
0831.847143 - 0831.848870 - 0832.247878

Le nostre sedi

Piazza Ippocrate, 18 - 72024 Oria (BR) / Via Taranto, 137 - 73100 Lecce


Professional Team

Both rest of know draw fond post as. It agreement defective to excellent. Feebly do engage of narrow.
Extensive repulsive belonging depending if promotion be zealously as.
Prince Maddox

Prince Maddox

Lube Technician
Jenson Donovan

Jenson Donovan

Auto Technician
Ashleigh Rice

Ashleigh Rice

Repair Technician
Gethin Hubbard

Gethin Hubbard

Tire Technician
Mohammed Soto

Mohammed Soto

Engine Rebuilder

Team Skills

Advantages of
Our Service

He moonlight difficult engrossed an it sportsmen. Interested has all devonshire difficulty gay assistance joy. Unaffected at ye of complimen.

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Technical expertise
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Diagnostic skills
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Mechanical knowledge
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Projects & Gallery

Both rest of know draw fond post as. It agreement defective to excellent. Feebly do engage of narrow.
Extensive repulsive belonging depending if promotion be zealously as.

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    Specialisti in prodotti di elettronica per rivenditori, installatori e privati.

    Work Hours

    In caso di necessità di personale dedicato, consigliamo di richiedere un appuntamento.

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